
Automatic toilet for your beloved cat

  Every owner has to clean up litter after petting, and, frankly, this procedure is not fun.  An automatic litter box for cats is the best alternative to a regular litter box and allows the person not to participate in the cleaning process at all.  With the help of the electrical system, the sewage cleaner is activated, which is discharged in the sewer.  Let's take a closer look at what's so special about such cat litter. How the automatic toilet works Watering is necessary for proper operation – the sandbox must be connected not only to the power supply and water supply, but also to the sewer.  Some devices are made in the form of a toilet and are generally not much different from an ordinary human bathroom.  However, more often than not, automatic cat litter boxes are installed at a lower cost, thus requiring special pellets.  They are very different from regular fillers, in that they are not sawdust and are not fillers that stick together into lumps.  They are washable granu

How to train a kitten to the litter box

  Cat owners and others have long known that cats are very clean creatures.  Kittens are trained to go to the toilet in a certain place, it seems, even by their mothers immediately after birth, so the question of how to train a kitten to a litter box is not as difficult as it seems.  The innate skill of identifying the “toilet” zone should be developed very quickly in a new place – when a pet has just ended up in a new home. URGENT!  Age when the kitten can toilet training should not be more than 3-4 months.  After that, the older the cat, the harder it is to develop the habit. How to train a kitten to the litter box Cat owners and others have long known that cats are very clean creatures.  Kittens are trained to go to the toilet in a certain place, it seems, even by their mothers immediately after birth, so the question of how to train a kitten to a litter box is not as difficult as it seems.  The innate skill of identifying the “toilet” zone should be developed very quickly in a new

Does the cat need to be bathed, if so How often can you bathe your pet cat

  If there is a talk show on television about cat life, then we will often see how the owners of these cute animals argue about how to properly care for them.  Should I bathe my cat?  Some argue that there is no need for this, because animals perfectly wash themselves with their tongues.  The second says that cats periodically need to bathe and even enjoy them.  So who's right?  Let's find out. Do cats need to be bathed? Cats can be called the cleanest animals.  A healthy cat or cat licks its fur instinctively and therefore always keeps itself clean.  Taking care of themselves, they carefully lick the fur coat centimeter by centimeter, removing various specks and dust from it.  Cat saliva contains a special component that can dissolve any dirt.  The surface of the tongue is covered with numerous small, sharp and rough papillae, which effectively cope with not only dirt, but also an unpleasant odor.  Animal subcutaneous sebaceous glands produce a natural lubricant that protects

How to bathe a kitten for the first time

  Perhaps you are already an experienced cat lover and the problem of how to wash a kitten for the first time does not raise any questions.  Or maybe a tiny furry (or not very hairy) creature is in your home for the first time, so it can be helpful to learn how to properly bathe a kitten and when to start bathing. INTERESTING!  Although the title of cleanest animal is not given to cats, but to pigs, cats can spend a third of their time outside sleeping licking themselves, and then they can move on to other householders, including their owners.  So, mustache cleaners “wash” about 10 times a day! Due to the fact that cats are almost constantly cleaning themselves of all pollution, many “cat experts” tend to believe that bathing these animals in water is simply not worth it.  Perhaps because of the lack of need for water treatment, cats are afraid of water. How often can you wash? Under natural conditions, the ancestors of modern cats did not actually need to bathe, and now no one bathes

Hair loss in cats, why and what you need to know

  Hair loss in cats, in general, is a natural process, much like daily hair loss in humans.  If you are a cat or cat owner, then most likely, hairballs have long been a part of your interior, while the cat's hairline has not diminished.  This is affected, firstly, by the cellular renewal of all body tissues, including hair, and secondly, by the seasonal molting of animals after a period of winter "warm-up". When to worry.  Worrying symptoms However, the hair loss that is common in cats for many people can develop into a more serious problem – baldness, which is also called alopecia.  How do you know when it's time to take action?  To begin with, you should pay attention to the following symptoms: the cat is constantly itching and shows obvious anxiety; wool falls out in clumps or in much larger quantities than usual; there are bald spots that are not overgrown with wool, the stomach most often suffers; hairless areas appear symmetrical on different sides; the cat'